Tagged “hypertellurians”
Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park
A system neutral, self-contained adventure setting in a wizard’s theme park realm inside a plain cloak. Populated with hired staff and refugee sorcerous couturiers, and left to its own devices for 50 odd years...
Seasonal Surprise: New Hypertellurians Powers and a new Character Sheet
Before the turning of the year, I thought I'd talk about what's in store for Mottokrosh Machinations in the new year, and spice things up with a public playtest of new powers for Hypertellurians, as well as a brand new character sheet...
Customizable Fantasy Vehicles for Hypertellurians and Other RPGs
Vehicles don't seem to come up that often in fantasy RPGs, but I've always had a soft spot for them; vehicles and portable fortresses of some kind—essentially anything that provides some protection (and comfort) to the characters and that can come with them on adventures...
Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park coming to Kickstarter
Jan 26th update: The Kickstarter is now live! I'm delighted to tell you about Mottokrosh Machinations' upcoming book, Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park. It's a system neutral, self-contained adventure setting...
Useful Ultracosmic Critters
In a science fantasy adventure game like Hypertellurians there is an emphasis on wondrous discoveries and unexpected, epic actions and consequences. But that doesn't mean that every single opponent you have to overcome is crazier than the next...
Mundane is the New Magical
How do you decide whether a found piece of loot makes it onto your character's inventory sheet? At early levels it might depend on its monetary worth, so you might end up carting around all the leather armors and shortswords of the brigands you just slew...
Post Release Round-Up
It's been a big two weeks for Mottokrosh Machinations. We started with the launch of the new Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition (want to know why it's called that—check out the Q&A videos later) at Virtually Expo...
The Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition has Launched
The day has come that we unleash the revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians onto the world. Rather than repeat much of what we've already said in our earlier announcement, including what's new and what's changed in the new edition...
Marvelous Voyage to the Viridian Moon
Introduction An aether-faring adventure on an experimental craft to explore the wonders and mysteries of a nearby moon. The player characters join as passengers or crew, or a mixture thereof. While the adventure follows a planned trajectory...
Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition
Hypertellurians is a fast roleplaying game of low complexity, but high depth, with engaging character development and story. It is set in the future of old, and designed for a small group of players plus a games machinator...
Exciting Announcements
If it seems like it's been quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, then that's only because we have been busy cooking up big things. Feast your eyes on: * A revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians...
Electric Bungeonland
Or: Let's mash up Electric Bastionland with The Bungeon. Weekends in lockdown has afforded me the opportunity to try out a lot more different games than usual. My weekly sessions are generally longer campaigns (a few months at least)...
Looming Machinations
It may appear that things have been a little quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the dark depths of the Mottokrosh mind a plethora of pursuits have been progressing...
Hypertellurians meets Quetzel
Kia ora koutou! My name's Liam and I'm here to take over the blog for a day. I recently got to have my first experience running Hypertellurians in an epic 7 hour game on New Year's Eve. I mentioned it to Frank and he invited me here to tell you all about it...
The People Behind the Archetypes
The first pieces of commissioned artwork for Hypertellurians—back in its infancy—were the twelve interpretations of the game's six archetypes: Alien, Beast, Construct, Revenant, Royal, and Ultranaut. ...
Yuletide Haunting of T.O.M.B.S.
I was very excited when the excellent Mud & Blood podcast asked me to run a one-shot Actual Play for them of Hypertellurians. Because it was to be released on Christmas, they asked if I could make it seasonally themed...
Atom Isa Accelerated
At conventions we like to run very short demos—30 to 45 minutes—of Hypertellurians on our stand to give passersby a taste of the system, and the types of games you might play with it. Here is the reference sheet we used for our Dragonmeet demos...
Dragonmeet was a Blast
Our first time exhibiting at Dragonmeet 2019 in London was a blast. In comparison to UK Games Expo it's a smaller, but also more focused experience, since everything happens in one day. But what a day it was...
Upcoming Book Previews and Dragonmeet
Mottokrosh Machinations has two upcoming books, both to be launched at Dragonmeet, where we will be with a stall and a small crew, including artist Anna Molla, editor David Fuller, and GM Kara Payne. ...
Dark Ocultist's Gambit
The other week I cobbled together a quick one-shot scenario to demo Hypertellurians to a few friends in a gaming pub. Parts of it were nabbed from another, longer adventure I'm working on, and have been playtesting a bit...
Heart of the Atom Isa
A one-shot adventure on—and around—a desert planet, for use with Hypertellurians, or any modern or old-school fantasy game. Featuring Argencia, the Silver Sorceress, moon goblins with daedalic wings and questionable bombs...
Victorious UK Games Expo Machinations
Last week a team of four went to the annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham to represent Mottokrosh Machinations, and present the barely week old Hypertellurians hardcover to the world. The crew consisted of cover artist Anna...
Hypertellurians Preview and UK Games Expo
If you're reading this, you've likely heard about Mottokrosh Machinations's roleplaying game Hypertellurians. You might even have read or played it—after all it's online in its full form right on this site...
Playtest Wrap
Last night, my group and I finished our year-long (give or take) playtest of the Hypertellurians RPG. We started it when the rules were just a jumble of notes, went through three major revisions, and countless minor ones...
Bags of Fun: New Adventure Preview
Mottokrosh Machinations will soon release its second adventure module, designed for Hypertellurians as well as any old or modern fantasy adventure game. It’s an exploration heavy scenario, with many wild and wonderful locations...
Hoozier Babgottle's Seasonal Stock
Hoozier Babgottle is a traveling goblin of advanced taste and decorum. With his everchanging assortment of oddities and trinkets, he travels the world, come snow or storm, in his tiny hot air balloon, ...
A Bride for Dracula
"A Bride for Dracula" is a silly, but hopefully fun, system neutral scenario designed to be played in one session. Dracula is looking for a new partner to join him for eternity---though talk of eternity is cheap...
Lucia de Castillo Visits Drigbolton
In which I examine a surprise mashup of Gavin Norman and Greg Gorgonmilk’s The Weird That Befell Drigbolton, and Kiel Chenier’s Blood in the Chocolate. Here Be Spoilers Cozying up. My weekly Thursday game is currently play testing Hypertellurians...
Lost Spells of Thrad the Creepomancer
"Thrad", by Enmanuel "Lema" Martinez. Now, Thrad wasn't the type of person that would spring to mind when you heard the term "wizard." In fact, he never used that word himself. He wasn't a man of many words...
UK Games Expo 2018 Unwinding
Last weekend I attended the UK Games Expo in Birmingham, in part to help my friends at Inspiring Games demo their games Legends Untold and Lord of the Horde, and, of course, in part for my very own delectation...
Hypertellurians is live
The time has come, and my "swords and sandals" meets "raypunk" RPG is live. Read about its inception, or jump right in. It comes in 3 parts: the core rules is the big daddy and contains the rules and more powers than you can shake a stick at...
This version has been superceded by a revised and expanded edition! Hypertellurians is an easy to pick up roleplaying game that is fast and simple to play, while providing plenty of depth for engaging character development and story...
Introducing Hypertellurians
June 1st update: the game is now live! Like many games masters, judges, referees, or whatever you like to call them, I have many more adventures and adventure ideas than I'll—sadly—ever be able to run...
Spell Chain: Kaleidolace
Spell Chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. These use the low...
A Day in the Markets of Helix
The people of Helix are benevolent, wise, and technologically advanced. But the inhospitable wastes, crags, and hills surrounding their domed city are home to any number of strange creatures, like the savage piglin...
Spell Chain: Dementalism
Spell chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. The spells in this series are largely system-neutral...
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