Impressions from the Kickstarter Wrap-Up Event
This weekend we had a little get-together in honor of the Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park Kickstarter campaign having finished. The event was held at All the Problems in This World, an awesome RPG and comics store in Kreuzberg...
All that is New
Coinciding with the launch of the Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park Kickstarter is the grand website update! A long time in the making, this update changes the plumbing from the ground up and comes with a brand new design...
Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park coming to Kickstarter
Jan 26th update: The Kickstarter is now live! I'm delighted to tell you about Mottokrosh Machinations' upcoming book, Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park. It's a system neutral, self-contained adventure setting...
Useful Ultracosmic Critters
In a science fantasy adventure game like Hypertellurians there is an emphasis on wondrous discoveries and unexpected, epic actions and consequences. But that doesn't mean that every single opponent you have to overcome is crazier than the next...
Mundane is the New Magical
How do you decide whether a found piece of loot makes it onto your character's inventory sheet? At early levels it might depend on its monetary worth, so you might end up carting around all the leather armors and shortswords of the brigands you just slew...
Riddarnisse—A Seasonal Mausritter Hack
Doodled by Mottokrosh, with thanks to various elves' costumes for sale. Welcome to Riddarnisse ("knight elf"), the utterly unofficial Mausritter hack where you play Santa's little elves, in a North Pole...
Witches in a Well Audiobook
Last Halloween, I posted a spruced up version of my entry to the 200 word RPG challenge, Witches in a Well. Play as a witch stuck in a well, and get ready to hurtle through the Ultracosm, and to create spells to escape your predicament...
Post Release Round-Up
It's been a big two weeks for Mottokrosh Machinations. We started with the launch of the new Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition (want to know why it's called that—check out the Q&A videos later) at Virtually Expo...
The Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition has Launched
The day has come that we unleash the revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians onto the world. Rather than repeat much of what we've already said in our earlier announcement, including what's new and what's changed in the new edition...
Marvelous Voyage to the Viridian Moon
Introduction An aether-faring adventure on an experimental craft to explore the wonders and mysteries of a nearby moon. The player characters join as passengers or crew, or a mixture thereof. While the adventure follows a planned trajectory...
Exciting Announcements
If it seems like it's been quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, then that's only because we have been busy cooking up big things. Feast your eyes on: * A revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians...
Electric Bungeonland
Or: Let's mash up Electric Bastionland with The Bungeon. Weekends in lockdown has afforded me the opportunity to try out a lot more different games than usual. My weekly sessions are generally longer campaigns (a few months at least)...