Tagged “mottokrosh machinations”

  1. Ultracosmic

    About the Zine A zine for Hypertellurians and other (science) fantasy games. * 56 illustrated A5 pages of adventures, rules, locations, items, fiction, and more. * Softcover, stitch-bound, Munken paper...

  2. Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park

    A system neutral, self-contained adventure setting in a wizard’s theme park realm inside a plain cloak. Populated with hired staff and refugee sorcerous couturiers, and left to its own devices for 50 odd years...

  3. The Eternal Grind Café

    About the Game 1. 2. 3. 4. Your hubris has angered the gods, and to teach you a lesson in humility, they have sent you to hell. And hell is a minimum wage job in a tip-based industry. The Eternal Grind Café is a roleplaying game that...

  4. Seasonal Surprise: New Hypertellurians Powers and a new Character Sheet

    Before the turning of the year, I thought I'd talk about what's in store for Mottokrosh Machinations in the new year, and spice things up with a public playtest of new powers for Hypertellurians, as well as a brand new character sheet...

  5. Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park

    About the Game 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Riblerim the Unsure, Master Diviner, in his benevolent, yet eccentric prime, created a wizard's theme park—that's a theme park by a wizard...

  6. Hypertellurians (M)Anvil Edition

    More Buying Options * 🇫🇷 Buy French Version from Pattern Recog Éditions * 🇪🇸 Buy Spanish Version from The Hills Press About the Game 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10...

  7. Bewilderment and Panic in the Land of Faulty Tors

    This pamphlet adventure is a free download and was created for Free RPG Day. Print on both sides of an A4 sheet and fold in thirds to create your own pamphlet....

  8. Exciting Announcements

    If it seems like it's been quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, then that's only because we have been busy cooking up big things. Feast your eyes on: * A revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians...

  9. Looming Machinations

    It may appear that things have been a little quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the dark depths of the Mottokrosh mind a plethora of pursuits have been progressing...

  10. Heart of the Atom Isa

    Pre-Generated Characters * Garmotte * Neferteri * Khepri-The-Rising-Sun * Philomena Dashwood...

  11. Solemn Scriptures of the Battle Nuns of the Mercyful Sepulcher

    Pre-Generated Characters * Genevieve Gallas, Mother Superior * Hollow * Dyvonne Deering * Rodundras "Hunchback" Gnaws...

  12. Victorious UK Games Expo Machinations

    Last week a team of four went to the annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham to represent Mottokrosh Machinations, and present the barely week old Hypertellurians hardcover to the world. The crew consisted of cover artist Anna...

  13. Brutal Imperilment in the Bag of Infinite Holding

    Resources Pre-generated characters * D&D 5th edition character bundle * Hypertellurians character bundle Miscellaneous * Sample map (pre-filled) * Sample map (blank)...

  14. A Bride for Dracula

    Quick Look Note: The video below looks at the original version of the book, which has since been updated with brand new art. ...

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