
  1. Spell Chain: Kaleidolace

    Spell Chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. These use the low...

  2. ANSI Art from the Days of Yore

    Back in the early 90s, a few friends and I decided to start what was then labelled an "art group." This was a digital collective out to create ANSI and ASCII artwork for the computer communication medium of the day...

  3. Online Character Sheet for Pathfinder Survey

    As you've probably heard by now, Paizo have officially announced the 2nd edition of the immensely popular Pathfinder game. As with the 1st edition, there will be a massive open playtest, and all playtest material (including a massive 400 page fully laid out and illustrated hardcover) will become available on 2nd of August...

  4. A Day in the Markets of Helix

    The people of Helix are benevolent, wise, and technologically advanced. But the inhospitable wastes, crags, and hills surrounding their domed city are home to any number of strange creatures, like the savage piglin...

  5. What to Spend Your Hard Earned Gold On

    Don't look the gift genie in the mouth Other than booze and non-denominational professional pleasure workers, of course. So you've returned from your latest adventure, laden to the brink with treasure...

  6. The Art of Karen Reding

    My wife Karen loves painting, so I don't feel so bad when I occasionally ask her to do a painting for me. She works with traditional media, which I can only assume has nothing to do with with me being too cheap to buy a modern tablet and stylus...

  7. That Time I Tried Drawing on a Surface Pro

    A couple of years ago I managed to get my hands on a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 for a weekend. Now, I'd already heard good things about the Surface for drawing, and the device did not disappoint. Hovering the stylus a few centimeters above the tablet and seeing a reticle indicating its position is awesome...

  8. Blast from the Past

    A friend sent me this snap yesterday from a scrapbook at their local munch, featuring a selection of entry tickets from a burlesque and fetish cabaret night I used to co-run a long time ago. The nights were a lot of work to put together and advertise...

  9. Hoozier Babgottle's Stock

    Hoozier Babgottle is a travelling goblin of advanced taste and decorum. With his everchanging assortment of oddities and trinkets, he travels the world in his tiny hot air balloon, made from a sewn-up hog skin and copper bathtub...

  10. Map: Frontier Falls

    Here's a map I drew for the starting town of a wildnerness exploration campaign in a homebrew setting called Verdant Reaches. The name of the inn---Axe & Thistle---is of course a nod to the article that inspired the setting...

  11. Spell Chain: Dementalism

    Spell chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. The spells in this series are largely system-neutral...

  12. LARP and Eldritch Etchings

    We live in Berlin these days, but my wife and I returned to our previous haunts in Norwich, England, recently to visit friends and family, and to sort through some left-over stuff of ours that we had abandoned in our hasty exodus last year...


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