Dark Ocultist's Gambit
The other week I cobbled together a quick one-shot scenario to demo Hypertellurians to a few friends in a gaming pub. Parts of it were nabbed from another, longer adventure I'm working on, and have been playtesting a bit...
Heart of the Atom Isa
A one-shot adventure on—and around—a desert planet, for use with Hypertellurians, or any modern or old-school fantasy game. Featuring Argencia, the Silver Sorceress, moon goblins with daedalic wings and questionable bombs...
Victorious UK Games Expo Machinations
Last week a team of four went to the annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham to represent Mottokrosh Machinations, and present the barely week old Hypertellurians hardcover to the world. The crew consisted of cover artist Anna...
Hypertellurians Preview and UK Games Expo
If you're reading this, you've likely heard about Mottokrosh Machinations's roleplaying game Hypertellurians. You might even have read or played it—after all it's online in its full form right on this site...
Forty Real Medieval Professions
Are you a GM looking for some bizarre sounding—but totally real—medieval professions? Maybe you're a player looking for an interesting background or story for your character? Fear not, I've got you. I present for your delectation...
Playtest Wrap
Last night, my group and I finished our year-long (give or take) playtest of the Hypertellurians RPG. We started it when the rules were just a jumble of notes, went through three major revisions, and countless minor ones...
Bags of Fun: New Adventure Preview
Mottokrosh Machinations will soon release its second adventure module, designed for Hypertellurians as well as any old or modern fantasy adventure game. It’s an exploration heavy scenario, with many wild and wonderful locations...
Games I Am Looking At Currently
As the new year starts trotting along, I thought it would be interesting to have a quick look at the games that are currently on my radar for one reason or another. Getting my Kult on. Game Day We had a New Year's Eve gaming party at our house...
d100 Interesting Outdoor Encounter Features
With the demise of Google+, hitherto harboring a great RPG community, many groups are trying to find a new home on the great old internet. A fair few are flocking to MeWe (you can find me there too), ...
Hoozier Babgottle's Seasonal Stock
Hoozier Babgottle is a traveling goblin of advanced taste and decorum. With his everchanging assortment of oddities and trinkets, he travels the world, come snow or storm, in his tiny hot air balloon, ...
Curse of Strahd Game Notebook
A couple of years ago I got to play the Curse of Strahd campaign with my weekly group, and I enjoyed it immensely. On the rare occasions I get to play instead of run, I usually immediately reach for some sort of online character sheet...
A Bride for Dracula
"A Bride for Dracula" is a silly, but hopefully fun, system neutral scenario designed to be played in one session. Dracula is looking for a new partner to join him for eternity---though talk of eternity is cheap...