Interview with Pelle Nilsson and Johan Nohr
The Mörk Borg release party in early March was a great event, where I got to meet a lot of awesome people. Among them of course the creators of the aforementioned book. They were gracious enough to let me do a short interview with them...
Interview with Dan Algstrand
Just before joining the Mörk Borg release party in Stockholm earlier this March, I had the pleasure to meet Dan Algstrand, a.k.a. Norse Dork, who graciously took it upon himself to be my guide not just around our corner of the city...
Mörk Borg and the Stockholm Kartell
When I read that the creators of artpunk game Mörk Borg would have a release party in Stockholm, I decided that I would join. It's one of my favorite games recently released, certainly one the most gorgeous ones...
Looming Machinations
It may appear that things have been a little quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the dark depths of the Mottokrosh mind a plethora of pursuits have been progressing...
Hypertellurians meets Quetzel
Kia ora koutou! My name's Liam and I'm here to take over the blog for a day. I recently got to have my first experience running Hypertellurians in an epic 7 hour game on New Year's Eve. I mentioned it to Frank and he invited me here to tell you all about it...
The People Behind the Archetypes
The first pieces of commissioned artwork for Hypertellurians—back in its infancy—were the twelve interpretations of the game's six archetypes: Alien, Beast, Construct, Revenant, Royal, and Ultranaut. ...
Writing Woaden, Part 1: Exploration Rules
Welcome to the first part in a new series, where we look at the design of an RPG we have been working on for the last few months. The game is called Woaden, after the woad plant, used to make blue dye and paint...
Yuletide Haunting of T.O.M.B.S.
I was very excited when the excellent Mud & Blood podcast asked me to run a one-shot Actual Play for them of Hypertellurians. Because it was to be released on Christmas, they asked if I could make it seasonally themed...
Atom Isa Accelerated
At conventions we like to run very short demos—30 to 45 minutes—of Hypertellurians on our stand to give passersby a taste of the system, and the types of games you might play with it. Here is the reference sheet we used for our Dragonmeet demos...
Dragonmeet was a Blast
Our first time exhibiting at Dragonmeet 2019 in London was a blast. In comparison to UK Games Expo it's a smaller, but also more focused experience, since everything happens in one day. But what a day it was...
Upcoming Book Previews and Dragonmeet
Mottokrosh Machinations has two upcoming books, both to be launched at Dragonmeet, where we will be with a stall and a small crew, including artist Anna Molla, editor David Fuller, and GM Kara Payne. ...
Witches in a Well
Just in time for Halloween, I present a spruced up version of my entry to the 200 word RPG challenge. Here is a rhyming game especially suited to parties. Grab a pen and some paper, get into character as a witch stuck in a well...