Tagged “preview”

  1. Seasonal Surprise: New Hypertellurians Powers and a new Character Sheet

    Before the turning of the year, I thought I'd talk about what's in store for Mottokrosh Machinations in the new year, and spice things up with a public playtest of new powers for Hypertellurians, as well as a brand new character sheet...

  2. Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park coming to Kickstarter

    Jan 26th update: The Kickstarter is now live! I'm delighted to tell you about Mottokrosh Machinations' upcoming book, Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park. It's a system neutral, self-contained adventure setting...

  3. Mundane is the New Magical

    How do you decide whether a found piece of loot makes it onto your character's inventory sheet? At early levels it might depend on its monetary worth, so you might end up carting around all the leather armors and shortswords of the brigands you just slew...

  4. Exciting Announcements

    If it seems like it's been quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, then that's only because we have been busy cooking up big things. Feast your eyes on: * A revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians...

  5. Looming Machinations

    It may appear that things have been a little quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the dark depths of the Mottokrosh mind a plethora of pursuits have been progressing...

  6. Upcoming Book Previews and Dragonmeet

    Mottokrosh Machinations has two upcoming books, both to be launched at Dragonmeet, where we will be with a stall and a small crew, including artist Anna Molla, editor David Fuller, and GM Kara Payne. ...

  7. Hypertellurians Preview and UK Games Expo

    If you're reading this, you've likely heard about Mottokrosh Machinations's roleplaying game Hypertellurians. You might even have read or played it—after all it's online in its full form right on this site...

  8. Introducing Hypertellurians

    June 1st update: the game is now live! Like many games masters, judges, referees, or whatever you like to call them, I have many more adventures and adventure ideas than I'll—sadly—ever be able to run...

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