Tagged “spells”
Spell Com-pun-dium
Are your current spells too wordy? Does their description not match your first impression of them? Do you like word play? Then you're in for treat in this guest post by David Fuller, where he reinvents popular spells for the modern magic-user...
Lost Spells of Thrad the Creepomancer
"Thrad", by Enmanuel "Lema" Martinez. Now, Thrad wasn't the type of person that would spring to mind when you heard the term "wizard." In fact, he never used that word himself. He wasn't a man of many words...
Spell Chain: Kaleidolace
Spell Chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. These use the low...
Spell Chain: Dementalism
Spell chains Think of spell chains as thematically linked spells of increasing power levels. You might assign them spell levels such as 1st, 3rd, and 5th, or whatever suits your game. The spells in this series are largely system-neutral...
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