Tagged “cons”
Dragonmeet 2023
Last week a small contingent of Machinators made it to Dragonmeet 2023 in London, armed with stacks of our regular machinations, our still shiny Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Parks, and a preview printing for the upcoming The Eternal Grind Café...
Essen Spiel Recap
At the time of writing, the Mottokrosh Machinations team has returned from Internationale Spieltage, or Essen Spiel, or Spiel, as it's more often known. Possibly the biggest boardgame convention in the world...
Exciting Announcements
If it seems like it's been quiet here at Mottokrosh Machinations HQ, then that's only because we have been busy cooking up big things. Feast your eyes on: * A revised and expanded edition of Hypertellurians...
Dragonmeet was a Blast
Our first time exhibiting at Dragonmeet 2019 in London was a blast. In comparison to UK Games Expo it's a smaller, but also more focused experience, since everything happens in one day. But what a day it was...
Victorious UK Games Expo Machinations
Last week a team of four went to the annual UK Games Expo in Birmingham to represent Mottokrosh Machinations, and present the barely week old Hypertellurians hardcover to the world. The crew consisted of cover artist Anna...
UK Games Expo 2018 Unwinding
Last weekend I attended the UK Games Expo in Birmingham, in part to help my friends at Inspiring Games demo their games Legends Untold and Lord of the Horde, and, of course, in part for my very own delectation...
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