Tagged “play report”
Pirate Borg: Heist the Black Flag
Hot on the heel of the previous Pirate Borg play report (and free one-shot adventure!) comes another round. We're only half-way through this adventure, so I won't be posting the full adventure just yet to avoid spoilers for my players...
Pirate Borg Play Report and Adventure
To those who know me (Frank // Mottokrosh), it is no secret that I am currently obsessed with Pirate Borg. Naturally I am a fan of rules-light but flavorful systems (hello, devil's luck), but there is just something about the Dark Caribbean setting...
Electric Bungeonland
Or: Let's mash up Electric Bastionland with The Bungeon. Weekends in lockdown has afforded me the opportunity to try out a lot more different games than usual. My weekly sessions are generally longer campaigns (a few months at least)...
Hypertellurians meets Quetzel
Kia ora koutou! My name's Liam and I'm here to take over the blog for a day. I recently got to have my first experience running Hypertellurians in an epic 7 hour game on New Year's Eve. I mentioned it to Frank and he invited me here to tell you all about it...
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