Tagged “dragonmeet”

  1. Dragonmeet 2023

    Last week a small contingent of Machinators made it to Dragonmeet 2023 in London, armed with stacks of our regular machinations, our still shiny Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Parks, and a preview printing for the upcoming The Eternal Grind Café...

  2. Dragonmeet was a Blast

    Our first time exhibiting at Dragonmeet 2019 in London was a blast. In comparison to UK Games Expo it's a smaller, but also more focused experience, since everything happens in one day. But what a day it was...

  3. Upcoming Book Previews and Dragonmeet

    Mottokrosh Machinations has two upcoming books, both to be launched at Dragonmeet, where we will be with a stall and a small crew, including artist Anna Molla, editor David Fuller, and GM Kara Payne. ...

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