This weekend we had a little get-together in honor of the Capes and Cloaks and Cowls and a Park Kickstarter campaign having finished. The event was held at All the Problems in This World, an awesome RPG and comics store in Kreuzberg, Berlin. We had sparkling wine, beer, and a bespoke cake that featured the book cover in exquisite (and delicious) detail. Moreover we brought posters, pamphlet adventures, and other, small freebies, for curious passers-by.
With all that's going on in the world right now, we didn't feel comfortable with calling the event a celebration, but at the same time we felt it important to mark the occasion. We had a lot of the playtesters of the book turn up, as well as some friends, and of course some store clients. On account of being spread all over the globe, we didn't have co-authors Katie, Diogo, or any of the other excellent folk involved, but perhaps we'll all meet up at a convention at some point.
The Kickstarter finished at 124% funded, with 157 backers, with 3 unlocked stretch goals (we squeezed in the last one, because it was so close), which is excellent.
Now that the weekend is over, however, it's back to reviewing the notes from the editors, to try and get the files for the book done as soon as possible, and get them off to the printer's.
Site News
On a completely unrelated note, you might have noticed that this website now finally has a search functionality! It's in alpha, so expect a few hiccups, but we hope to have them ironed out soon.