Tagged “scenario”
System Crashers Come to Eld Swinton
In this mystery adventure the System Crashers travel to a small but affluent hamlet in the Barony of Swine, either for personal reasons, for a job, or both. While coming face to face with many facets of societal injustice...
Marvelous Voyage to the Viridian Moon
Introduction An aether-faring adventure on an experimental craft to explore the wonders and mysteries of a nearby moon. The player characters join as passengers or crew, or a mixture thereof. While the adventure follows a planned trajectory...
Yuletide Haunting of T.O.M.B.S.
I was very excited when the excellent Mud & Blood podcast asked me to run a one-shot Actual Play for them of Hypertellurians. Because it was to be released on Christmas, they asked if I could make it seasonally themed...
Atom Isa Accelerated
At conventions we like to run very short demos—30 to 45 minutes—of Hypertellurians on our stand to give passersby a taste of the system, and the types of games you might play with it. Here is the reference sheet we used for our Dragonmeet demos...
Dark Ocultist's Gambit
The other week I cobbled together a quick one-shot scenario to demo Hypertellurians to a few friends in a gaming pub. Parts of it were nabbed from another, longer adventure I'm working on, and have been playtesting a bit...
Heart of the Atom Isa
A one-shot adventure on—and around—a desert planet, for use with Hypertellurians, or any modern or old-school fantasy game. Featuring Argencia, the Silver Sorceress, moon goblins with daedalic wings and questionable bombs...
Bags of Fun: New Adventure Preview
Mottokrosh Machinations will soon release its second adventure module, designed for Hypertellurians as well as any old or modern fantasy adventure game. It’s an exploration heavy scenario, with many wild and wonderful locations...
A Bride for Dracula
"A Bride for Dracula" is a silly, but hopefully fun, system neutral scenario designed to be played in one session. Dracula is looking for a new partner to join him for eternity---though talk of eternity is cheap...
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